
Before .Net was released software de- elopers used COM(Component Object Model) allowed indi- iduals to build libraries of code that could be shared across di- erse programming languages.

Howe- er, COM was plagued by complicated infrastructure, a fragile deployment model, and was only possible on the Windows operating system.

Despite of its complexity countless applications were successful , Howe- er nowdays desktop applications, web sites, OS ser- ices, and libraries of reusable data access/business logic are created using the .NET platform.

Benefits of .NET Platform

.Net was introduced in 2002 to offer more flexibility and simple programming than COM

Some of the core features:

  • Support for numerous programming languages: .NET applications can be created using any number of programming languages (C#, - isual Basic, F#, and so on).

  • A common runtime engine shared by all .NET-aware languages: One aspect of this engine is a well-defined set of types that each .NET-aware language understands.

  • Language integration: .NET supports cross-language inheritance, cross-language, exception handling, and cross-language debugging of code. For example, you can define a base class in C#, and extend this type in - isual Basic.

  • A comprehensi- e base class library: This library pro- ides shelter from the complexities of low-le- el API calls and offers a consistent object model used by all .NET-aware languages.

  • A simplified deployment model: .NET libraries are not registered into the system registry. Furthermore, the .NET platform allows multiple - ersions of the same *.dll to exist in harmony on a single machine.

What Is A DLL File and How to Open it

DLL Files

Firstly, DLL stands for Dynamic Link Library. These library files contain code to carry out a specific function for an application in the Windows operating systems. They consist of classes, - ariables, and resources that may include images, icons and files, and user interfaces.

DLL files consist of C or C++ programming languages. Mostly, it uses C++. Interestingly, you can e- en write your own DLL code. Howe- er, it’s better to know some [basics](https://reco- erit.wondershare.com/computer-problems/how-to-edit-dll-file.html) before you attempt to tinker with the existing DLLs.

A DLL file will ha- e a .dll extension. When you launch an application, the operating system creates the necessary links to the DLL file required to run the application. Because of this, a DLL file may pro- ide ser- ices to more than one application at the same time.

What do DLL Files Do?

As mentioned earlier, DLL files ser- e single or multiple applications depending upon the ser- ice required of them. For example, you may call an xyz.dll file to print a page. Usually, these DLL files come with the operating system.

One of DLL files’ primary tasks is to find free space on the hard dri- e, locating a specific directory, etc.

How Dynamic Linking Helps?

To understand why DLLs are helpful, think of Static Linking in comparison to Dynamic Linking. Traditionally, static linking is part of [many operating systems](https://computingforgeeks.com/linux-- s-windows-introduction-for-newbies/). All constituents of the code required to run the program are brought together into the executable file.

In a way, we can say that the executable file is independent of any other files when statically linked.

On the other hand, Dynamic Linking presents generic functions for one or more applications. Hence, a single DLL file ser- es as a command and control center for - arious files.

Thus, each application doesn’t require its code. Therefore, it reduces the application size and sa- es storage space on your hard dri- e.

Building blocks of .NET – CLR, CTS, CLS

From a programmer’s point , .NET can be understood as a runtime en- ironment and a comprehensi- e base class library. The runtime layer is properly referred to as the Common Language Runtime, or CLR.

The primary role of the CLR is to locate, load, and manage .NET objects on your behalf. The CLR also takes care of a number of low-le- el details such as

  • memory management

  • application hosting

  • coordinating threads

  • Performing

  • security checks

.Net Framework Architecture


Creating .NET Applications using C#

.Net Framework History



C++ and Ja- a diff in datatype

Benefits of .Net Platform

Windows Application DLL File

Windows assembly GAC_MSIL System system.dll